Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Allow me to introduce myself

Hi, my name is Lisa but lots of people call me liberal. I have always considered myself aware but not as consumed by politics as I have been for the last six years now.
September 11th 2001 changed, and or, altered everyoe of us in some way or another. Some of us lost family or close friends, some of us closed our minds and decided all Muslims were bad, some of us wondered if we would get attacked again, yada yada yada. My point is if only temporarily we were all altered.
Personally, I was altered into reaction, gallvanized by a strong and familiar sense of really wanting peace. Everyone proclaims to want peace, Bush even says he wants peace. But as my mother taught me-actions speak louder than words.
It did not take long to convince a majority of Americans that if we wanted to avoid being attacked again, we needed to preemptively attack Iraq because they had "weapons of mass destruction".
George W Bush squandered the opportunity to engage the entire world in a process towards peace, he chose to pick a fight with a country the size of Rhode Island instead. This for me was the beginning of the end of America as I have always known and loved it.


Anonymous said...

Why is there an ad for John McCain on what is clearly an anti-republican website?

Liberalady said...

I am sorry for that I did not personally place the ads.