Thursday, April 5, 2007

Gonzales prepares to fight for his job

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales has retreated from public view this week in an intensive effort to save his job, spending hours practicing testimony and phoning lawmakers for support in preparation for pivotal appearances in the Senate this month, according to administration officials.

After struggling for weeks to explain the extent of his involvement in the firings of eight U.S. attorneys, Gonzales and his aides are viewing the Senate testimony on April 12 and April 17 as seriously as if it were a confirmation proceeding for a Supreme Court or a Cabinet appointment, officials said.

Ed Gillespie, a former Republican National Committee chairman, and Timothy E. Flanigan, who worked for Gonzales at the White House, have met with the attorney general to plot strategy. The department has scheduled three days of rigorous mock testimony sessions next week and Gonzales has placed phone calls to more than a dozen GOP lawmakers seeking support, officials said.

What does he need all this practice for? He is the same person saying he has done nothing wrong? His story changes way too much for my taste. He needs to go and he needs to take this entire crooked administration with him. This administration reminds me of a drunken frat party gone horribly awry. You know what I mean? The ones where they aare all "Dude, if I become president, (ha ha) you know I will give you all jobs in my cabin" "Hey dude-I think it is cabinet, not cabin" "No way dude-they keep the beer in the cabin" (Ha ha). Does the above scenario seem like exactly what happened in DC?

For this article in its entirety-

I can go ahead and tell you though-it does not have a happy ending-he had to cancel his vacation so he could prepare his lies........awwwwwwwwwww. Now I feel bad for him-ok not really bu it felt like I shoul say something like that.

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