Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Think your confused about the Patriot Act? Read on...

The Patriot Act has caused alot of controversy prior to becoming law so it makes sense that after being in place for well over five years that it is still causing concern and confusion. But what does not make sense is one of the places it is causing confusion. The FBI director-thats right the very people in charge of enforcing the patriot act are violating it. I could not believe my eyes while reading this article at www.msnbc.com , the link to read the article for yourself is http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17874370/ .
The justice department found 48 violations of the law during a two year time frame, that is an average of about 2 a month! Justice department investigator Glenn Fine estimates there could be more than 3000 such violations as he continues to investigate the requests for more than 143,000 nsl's (national security letters).
If this was not frightening it would be funny. But the thought of the FBI not following the letter of the law in regards to the Patriot Act (which some view as scary in and of itself) really makes you wonder what they are doing requesting these letters if they do not know what they are doing?!
I think every friday on here I will post at least one maybe more items that make you scratch your head since this is friday and this is a good one to start with. So every friday look for the "headscratcher" of the week and if you have a suggestion for one-by all means leave it as a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.